electrically conduc- tive printing ink notes

According to the actual experience of ink used by most manufacturers, the following regulations must be followed when using ink:

1. In any case, the temperature of the ink must be kept below 20-25°C, and the temperature cannot change too much, otherwise it will affect the viscosity of the ink and the quality and effect of the screen printing.

Especially when the ink is stored outdoors or at different temperatures, it must be placed in the ambient temperature for a few days or the ink tank can reach a suitable operating temperature before use. This is because the use of cold ink will cause screen printing failures and cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, in order to maintain the quality of the ink, it is best to store or store under normal temperature process conditions.

2. The ink must be fully and carefully mixed manually or mechanically before use. If air enters the ink, let it stand for a period of time when using it. If you need to dilute, you must first mix thoroughly, and then check its viscosity. The ink tank must be sealed immediately after use. At the same time, never put the ink on the screen back into the ink tank and mix with the unused ink.

3. It is best to use mutually compatible cleaning agents to clean the net, and it should be very thorough and clean. When cleaning again, it is best to use a clean solvent.

4. When the ink is dried, it must be done in a device with a good exhaust system.

5. To maintain operating conditions, screen printing should be performed at the operating site that meets the technological requirements.